List of Roles

From Mafia
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This page lists all the roles in Mafia. Use !rules MODE thresholds to learn the minimum amount of players required for each role in a mode.

Main roles
Role Alignment Amount Natural enemies
Citizen Innocents At least 1
Mafioso Mafia % of all players (!rules MODE mafia) Detective, Doctor, Werewolf, Vampire, Camorrista
Werewolf Monsters Initially 1, can convert Priest, Detective, Mafioso, Camorrista, Vampire
Vampire Monsters Initially 1, can convert Priest, Detective, Mafioso, Camorrista, Werewolf
Camorrista Camorra % of all players (!rules MODE camorra) Detective, Doctor, Werewolf, Vampire, Mafioso
Detective Innocents 1 Mafioso, Camorrista, Village Idiot, Necromancer
Doctor Innocents 1 Mafioso, Camorrista
Village Idiot Camorra (or Mafia) 1 (but see Terrorist) Detective, Priest
Saiyan Innocents 1
Prostitute Innocents, Mafia or Camorra (selectable) 1
Necromancer Mafia (or Camorra) 1 Detective, Priest
Oracle Innocents 1
Mailman Innocents 1
Priest Innocents 1 Werewolf, Vampire, Necromancer, Village Idiot
Terrorist Mafia or Camorra (selectable) 1 Detective
Lawyer Rogue 1
Cumulative roles
Role Amount Conditions
Mayor 1 Can be of any faction. If he dies, a new Mayor is elected as long as there are enough players.
Freemason % of all players (!rules MODE freemason), can invite Initially Citizens or Village Idiot; Any role can be invited by existing members.
Deputy Appointed by the detective Can be any faction. If detective dies, deputy maintains status.
Paparazzo 1 Can be any player, can change players if mugged.
Seropositive % of all players (!rules MODE seropositive), STD Werewolves can't normally be seropositive. Prostitute starts as seropositive.
Giant Clam % of all players (!rules MODE clam) Werewolves can't be in the Giant Clam.