
From Mafia
The Freemason
Amount % of all players
!rules MODE freemason
List of Roles

A few citizens, bored with their plain and uninteresting lives, decided to group together and found the humorously esoteric Freemasonry. The members of this organization can discuss privately the events going on in the town and use their nightly meetings to work together, using mystic rituals to change the flow of events. But can they always trust each other?...


Attribute Trigger


Cumulative role A player has this role in addition to his main role.
Amateur society Role assignment Only a Citizen or Village Idiot can start the game as a member of the Freemasonry.
Invite member vote

(!invite NICKNAME)

Night round Casts a vote to invite another member to join the society (who can be any player). If the majority decides to invite, the new member will join the society immediately, becoming a member like any other. This vote can be blocked by the Prostitute.
Seance vote

(!seance NICKNAME)

Night round Casts a vote to seance a dead player, which will allow him to send one message to the common channel. Multiple seances can be stacked, giving the dead player's credit for multiple messages. This vote can be blocked by the Prostitute.
Ritual preparation vote

(!ritual curse or !ritual revive)

Night round Casts a vote to prepare either the Curse (kill) or Revive (ressurect) ritual to be executed in the following night. This vote can be blocked by the Prostitute.
Curse ritual vote

(!curse NICKNAME)

Night round, curse ritual prepared Casts a vote for the target of the curse. There is a chance the curse may fail, but if it doesn't, the target dies (his death is discovered in the following morning). This vote can be blocked by the Prostitute.
Revive ritual vote

(!revive NICKNAME)

Night round, revive ritual prepared Casts a vote for the target of the revival. Revivals are likely to fail, but if it does work, the target dead player becomes alive in the following morning. This vote can be blocked by the Prostitute.
Temple channel


Permanent Freemasons can use this channel to talk to each other in private.

Related aspects

Other useful commands

Command Effect
!spooky MESSAGE A seanced dead player can use this command to send a message to the Common Channel.


Innocent mason: 1. Invite the Detective to clear yourself as an innocent and then revive innocents, curse enemies, etc. 2. Remember that possess'ed detectives cannot speak in temple chat so you can easily tell if the detective is possess'ed or not. 3. If player count is high enough, there may be more than 1 mason. Beware, the other mason could be a village idiot instead of a citizen.

Village idiot mason: 1. Kill off the innocent mason by finding who he is, and curse away!