
From Mafia
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The Werewolf
Alignment Monsters
Amount Initially 1

(can convert)

!rules MODE werewolf
List of Roles

The Werewolf is a part of the Monster faction. These supernatural and slightly deranged beasts crave the blood of humans and will roam the streets every night, looking for prey which they will proceed to attack. The survivor of a Werewolf bite will become a new Werewolf, and before anyone notices they'll be a pack too strong to be defeated, causing the extinction of all the remaining humans.


Attribute Trigger


Werewolf bite

(!bite NICKNAME)

Night round Will cause the Werewolf to bite the specified player in the late night. Three things may happen when a non-Werewolf player is bitten by a Werewolf:
  • He'll be caught unaware and brutally killed (not to mention chewed)
  • He'll be bitten but run away, becoming a new Werewolf (a howl will be heard). The Priest cannot suffer this fate.
  • He'll see the Werewolf coming and run into a crowd, escaping and reporting the attack to the police.

And when a Werewolf bites another Werewolf:

  • They'll fight and the attacker kills the victim.
  • They'll fight and the victim kills the attacker.
  • They'll circle each other for a while and part ways without fighting.
Blood feud Night round If a Vampire and Werewolf meet, they will fight to the death with the outcome being decided by how recently each of them tasted blood/flesh.
Compulsion to bite Night round If the Werewolf does not choose a victim to bite, it'll attack the first person it sees, or even itself!
Thirst for blood Night round The Werewolf may stop looking for its victim of choice if it runs into another player along the way, in which case it will attack the other player.
Compulsion to growl Speaking in public Every time a Werewolf says something, there is a chance it'll forget itself and GROWL instead of using human language, which will reveal it as a Werewolf. This chance increases every time the Werewolf talks or growls. When a Werewolf creates another of its kind through a bite, the new Werewolf has a higher chance of growling than its parent.
Immunity to disease Permanent Werewolves do not catch sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, UNLESS induced by Santa. They are also not disabled by the Prostitute.
Anti-social Permanent Werewolves are loners and cannot join the Giant Clam society, UNLESS induced by Santa. and they cannot be defended by a Lawyer.
Animal clumsiness Permanent Werewolves cannot disarm planted bombs.
Inherently evil Permanent Werewolves can be killed by a Priest's exorcism.
Natural Selection Permanent Werewolves can't convert past 50% of the population; When 50% of players are monsters, a victim that would be converted will instead be killed.

Related aspects



Silence is golden

The biggest non secret of being a werewolf is to SHUT UP. This is your hardest challenge and greatest weakness. Your compulsion to growl will lead every word you say to revealing your identity. Most players will recommend you pretend to go afk, brb, gtg soon or even i'm on the toilet. However unless you establish yourself as a player that is the "strong silent" type, most pro player will spot you like a cow in a paddock. Your best bet is to talk but only when required, keep it short and to the point. Only talk when you're 100% sure not talking will mean death or suspicion leading to death.

Luck is never on your side

Everybody thinks maybe if I'm lucky, never think that. During a mafia game the werewolf will constantly hope for conversions, no growling or that priest is dead. If you hope these things you are an idiot. Every action is a risk, there is no guarantee that each bite victim will die or convert or even be a priest. Every sentence you speak has a risk of turning into a growl, the werewolf faction is the faction that is most easily killed out first. You have not suffered the fate of werewolf until the first line you speak as a werewolf is a growl leading to your death before the night ends. So never ever count on luck.

Every Man is you Ally, Every Ally is not your Man

When every faction but yours is gone, every player wants to be a wolf. Which means everyone is your ally, however every person you fail to convert is an enemy. Also since every wolf you convert may not know your identity, then every victim you attempt to bite my be a wolf leading to a fight which could kill you. This means no matter how many you succeed in killing or converting there is always a chance you can die and your faction weakens. So in the end trust everyone and no one.