The Anti-AFK system
Current version: 3
Anti-AFK is an automated system that punishes players who join a game only to idle. Such behavior is against the rules in first place, but it's also extremely disrespectful towards the other players in the game and it ruins everyone's fun (and your team's chances of victory).
Currently, Anti-AFK works by prompting any user who has not talked in public (yes, even if they are actively playing) for one entire game day to use the command !here followed by a four digit code. This alert is delivered in the morning in highlighted yellow, and repeated in the afternoon. If you are using the Flash Client you will also receive an audio alert in the afternoon for good measure.
By the end of the afternoon, if you have not entered the requested command, you will die, and you will be blocked from joining Mafia games until you have watched one entire game without participating. This is not nice, so be very careful to enter the 4 digit code as requested!
Have in mind that if you say something every round, you will never trigger Anti-AFK, but once it has been triggered, talking won't cut it and you really must use the !here command as requested.