Starting a game
If no game is being played, a new game can be started with:
- !start
All players can then join the game as players until the end of the joining round, if they wish to do so. Note that after a game has started people who are dead or watching the game cannot talk; You must join the game to be able to talk. To join a game, it is enough to use:
- !join
However, players will usually want to vote for a game mode to play. The mode with the most votes is selected to be played. For a list of modes, players can use:
- !rules
And to vote for a mode while joining, use:
- !join MODENAME
Players can also subject their participation to a conditional minimum amount of players in the game, using:
Where MINIMUM is, for example, 8, which would mean you only wish to participate if there are a total 8 or more players in the game. As soon as there are enough players to meet your condition, you are joined automatically by the game. Otherwise, you will not participate in the game. After setting a condition and before it is met, you can still use !join again to join the game anyway.
The player who started the game cannot set a condition and will always join the game (if he hasn't joined when the timer runs out, he will be automatically joined).
Players who set conditions below the minimum amount of players or the amount of players who already joined, or above the maximum amount of players, are automatically joined.
After some time the subscriptions will close and from that moment on no one else can join. The bot will then proceed to randomly assign roles to each player. You will be told what your main role is, and (if there are enough players in the game) you may be assigned one or more accumulated roles. Note that (in default mIRC colors) the messages with a grey background are sent privately to you, while those with a black background are broadcast to all the players, including dead players.