Scripts and extras

From Mafia

mIRC Scripts

Loading mIRC scripts

To load mIRC scripts, press ALT + r on your keyboard at the same time. This will open the script editor. Next, click on the Remote Tab. Finally, click File > Load and navigate to where you downloaded the script.

Tab Completion script

  • What is Tab-completion?

Tab-completion is where you type the beginning letters of a name and then press the Tab key. This will cause mIRC to search for all names on the channel and replace your typed letters with the first match it finds. Pressing Tab again makes mIRC replace it with the second match (if any) and so on, allowing you to cycle through the list of available names.

For example, if you were on channel #mafia and your nick was Lazygamer, you could type "la" and then press tab which will change the "la" into the first match mIRC finds, which is most likely Lazygamer.

  • What is the point of it?

Some people have names that are either long, annoying to type, or both. Tab-completion allows you to easily, quickly and correctly type these people's names.

  • Doesn't mIRC come with Tab-completion?

Tab-completion on mIRC is designed for IRC channels. Since Mafia is played on a DCC Chat window, mIRC's built-in Tab-completion will not work, thus requiring an mIRC Script to simulate it.

  • Who made this script?

The script was made by Lazygamer so all questions regarding it should be directed at him.

  • Where can I get the script?


  • The script doesn't work. Why?

Once you connect to Mafia, you will need to type the !players command once so that the script can get a list of all the players connected. If it still doesn't work, then there remain three possibilities:

  1. You did not load the script.
  2. You loaded the script incorrectly
  3. You typoed on the beginning letters so the script was unable to find a match. (eg, instead of typing "la" for Lazygamer, you typed "lz")
  • I get an message saying the script will only work on mIRC versions 6.33 and up. What gives?

You are using an outdated version of mIRC. Go to [] and download the latest version.