Village Idiot

From Mafia
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The Village Idiot is like a normal Citizen, but, rather lacking in the brain department, he allowed his inner demons to misguide him into siding with the organized crime as informant, clown, sneak. Part of the cast of fringe characters leeching off the rampage of the crime families, he can't win on his own, but he'll do his best to destroy his fellow citizens for the benefit of his Camorra or Mafia masters.


Attribute Trigger


Start as Freemason Game with a Freemason Lodge In the beginning of a game, the cumulative role of Freemason is usually assigned to Citizens, but there is a chance the Village Idiot, as a fake Citizen, will be invited.
Camorra channel


If siding with the Camorra The Village Idiot can use this channel to talk privately to the other members of the Camorra faction, except for a Camorra-aligned Prostitute.
Mafia channel


If siding with the Mafia The Village Idiot can use this channel to talk privately to the other members of the Mafia faction, except for a Mafia-aligned Prostitute.
Immune to investigation Permanent The Village Idiot will always show up as a Citizen when investigated by the police.
Vulnerable to exorcism Permanent Village Idiots can be targeted by a Priest's exorcism, which removes the evil from their soul and turns them back into normal Innocents-aligned Citizens. However, the shock causes them to go mute.
Flexible alignment The last Camorrista is killed or there are none The Village Idiot sides with the Mafia.

Related aspects



Common strategies include false accusations, pretending to be a Detective or Doctor, or deliberately splitting or diverting the vote whenever possible. Often being a Freemason, the VI can also curse the Detectives or anyone else against the VI's faction.