
From Mafia
Revision as of 06:21, 20 January 2010 by Neotank (talk | contribs) (synopsis)

Rock Paper Scissors is a fun game to play when bored or to decide things. While usually played with other people you can now play it on the mafia bot.


  • !join - used to join the game. such as !join rps. to join the rock, paper, scissors game mode.
  • !atk - used to attack a player with an item. such as !atk Lazygamer r. This will attack Lazygamer with a rock.
  • !combine - used to combine weapons. such as !combine r s. used to make a shuriken.
  • !buy - used to buy weapons when no game is being played (each win = 1 point) such as !buy rock.
  • !stock - used to see the current amount of weapons you own.
  • !add - used to add weapons from your personal stock of bought items. such as !add rock.


The game will started you will be assigned some weapons. The starting weapons are Rock, Paper, and Scissors. The number of weapons givin is determined by the number of players enterted into the game. Each payer will get the same amount of weapons but they may not all be of the same kind.

game play

At the start of each game you will be told how many of each item you have. You will now decided the players you want to attack. Attack each player with an item. To attack with a rock type !atk r PLAYERNAME or to use scissors type !atk s PLAYERNAME or with paper type !atk p PLAYERNAME.