Totally Awesome Worms Armageddon Tournament
Hurray, this page is back!
You're still in time to participate in this event. All you need is a Mafia account! PM it to Protected on IRC until FRIDAY JAN 22 at most.
Extras download
Streams (241mb)
If you don't have or if you replaced the Worms Armageddon background ambience, you can download it here. Unpack to WORMS_PATH\Data .
Speech (783mb WARNING large file!)
Lots of soundbanks for your worms including the 49 distributed with Worms Armageddon. Unpack to WORMS_PATH\Data\User . Only other players with the Speech package will be able to hear your worms.
Safe soundbanks
Use one of these for your team if you want to make sure absolutely everyone can hear the voices you choose:
Angry Scots Cad Cyberworms Drill Sergeant English Formula One French Geezer German Goofed Italian Jock Kamikaze Kidz Rasta Scouser Smooth Babe Soul Man Spanish Stooges The Raj Thespian US Sports Wacky