List of Profiles
From Mafia
Profiles | ID | Cost | Description |
Common boring person | Normal | 0 | The standard profile, with no changes or restrictions. Unregistered players use this profile. |
Rocky | Rock | 90 | Rocks are your forte. Have some rock stock. |
The Paper | paper | 100 | You've got an affinity for paper and it shows. |
Scissorhands | scissors | 110 | You like to cut stuff you say? Today's your lucky day. |
Pokemon Trainer | pokemon | 110 | You feel the insatiable need to catch 'em all. |
Filthy Rich | filrich | 100 | You have accumulated so much wealth, you enjoy shoving it off at every chance you get. |
Consigliere | consigliere | 140 | As the Don's trusted adviser, your opinion has greater weight on his decisions. |
Goomah | goomah | 95 | Don's Goomah is helping out, the Don can't bring himself to be harsh towards his own men. |
Rabid Wolf | rabidw | 175 | |
Pack Leader | pleader | 200 | |
Defective Detective | defective | 190 | |
Effective Detective | effective | 175 | |
Idiot Savant | idiotsav | 170 | |
Super Saiyan | super | 150 | |
Prophet | prophet | 150 | |
Artificially inseminated | artins | 130 | |
Pro-life | prolife | 175 | |
Terminal Seropositive | termsero | 125 | |
Magic Johnson | mjohnson | 160 | |
Ace reporter | acerep | 180 | |
Retired special agent | retagent | 310 |