The Day Round
The Day Round From Mafia Most information is provided to all players during the day, and some roles also use their abilities at this time. The day round has two distinct parts:
- The Morning, in the beginning of which information about previous events is revealed (causing players to die) and during which players can discuss these events, and
- The Afternoon, a shorter part during which all players can cast their vote for the main hanging, and in the end of which the said hanging happens.
We consider three types of event during the day:
- Events revealed in the beginning of the Day Round
Even though they happened in the previous night, they only go in effect at this moment.
- Instantaneous skills that can be used during the Day Round
Usually the supporting non-vote-based roles on the side of the Innocents act during the day.
- Decisions with consequences in the end of the Day Round
This is the main execution, which happens during the afternoon.
List of events in the beginning of the Day
The following things happen in the beginning of a day (in this order):
- The Mafia and Camorra murders are announced, and the victim(s) die
- Doctor saves that resulted in failed murders are announced
- The results of a successful ressurrection ritual performed by the Freemasons are announced and the target is revived
- The results of a successful curse ritual performed by the Freemasons are announced and the target dies
- Babies are born from couples when appropriate, and revived into the game
- If the Giant Clam decided to unveil, all of its members die
- If a Detective's name came up in a scandal in the previous night, he can die at this point
- A player is arrested if the police decided to do so
- If there is no Mayor and the town is still big enough, a new one is chosen
List of skills that can be used during the Day
(Afternoon) The Lawyer can save a player from being lynched. (All day) The Saiyan can destroy a player. (All day) The Mailman can send and receive letters. (Morning) The Priest can exorcize certain roles or marry two players. (Morning) The Terrorist can suicide to trigger all his bombs. (Morning) The Mayor can remove someone's afternoon voting right for the day, being subsequently ousted. See also Basic Introduction The Night Round Victory conditions Retrieved from ""