This page is for staff members to vote for the new next generation pokemon that will be added to the Pokemon Trainer Profile. This candidates consist of the first 151 pokemon, most of them written by the extremely uncreative BlendEr. Thus if any staff members wish to submit other options for later votes, PM BlendEr on irc.
Next Pokemon Trainer Pokemon Poll
Round 5
Choose the next pokeball for POKEMON TRAINER profile?
PLAYER whips out a POKEBALL and fiercely yells 'I CHOOSE YOU, ODDISH! USE SWEET SCENT!' while throwing it towards TARGET PLAYER. Unfortunately, SWEET SCENT attract a variety of chefs, and eventually ODDISH is chopped up and used in a vegetable soup.
PLAYER whips out a POKEBALL and fiercely yells 'I CHOOSE YOU, GLOOM! USE MEGADRAIN!' while throwing it towards TARGET PLAYER. Unfortunately, a group of emos decide to recruit gloom as there mascot, eventually you become the leader of their cult and you are assainated by black ops.
PLAYER whips out a POKEBALL and fiercely yells 'I CHOOSE YOU, VILEPLUME! USE PETAL DANCE!' while throwing it towards TARGET PLAYER. Unfortunately, petal dance has no effect, however the trees in the area seem strip of all their leaves...
PLAYER whips out a POKEBALL and fiercely yells 'I CHOOSE YOU, PARAS! USE LEECHLIFE!' while throwing it towards TARGET PLAYER. Unfortunately, PARAS is far too timid to leave his/her pokeball and prefers to stay inside.
PLAYER whips out a POKEBALL and fiercely yells 'I CHOOSE YOU, PARASECT! USE STUN SPORE!' while throwing it towards TARGET PLAYER. Unfortunately, travelling movie stars, decide crab would be good for dinner and find the mushroom on parasect will just add to the flavour.
PLAYER whips out a POKEBALL and fiercely yells 'I CHOOSE YOU, VENONAT! USE SLEEP POWDER!' while throwing it towards TARGET PLAYER. Unfortunately, a group of girls find venonat to be cute and cuddly, you are found by police sleeping with 4 hot chicks and immediately arrested for suspected date rape.
PLAYER whips out a POKEBALL and fiercely yells 'I CHOOSE YOU, VENEMOTH! USE POISON POWDER!' while throwing it towards TARGET PLAYER. Unfortunately, a group of women spotting the moth, decide to kill it with bug spray, venemoth dies a slow painful death slowly melting from the inside.
PLAYER whips out a POKEBALL and fiercely yells 'I CHOOSE YOU, DIGLET! USE DIG!' while throwing it towards TARGET PLAYER. Unfortunately, DIGLET digs too deep and is burned by magma from the earth.
PLAYER whips out a POKEBALL and fiercely yells 'I CHOOSE YOU, DUGTRIO! USE GIGA IMPACT!' while throwing it towards TARGET PLAYER. Unfortunately, GIGA IMPACT splits the earth in two, PLAYER, TARGETPLAYER and DUGTRIO fall into a massive crack and starve to death waiting to be rescued.
PLAYER whips out a POKEBALL and fiercely yells 'I CHOOSE YOU, MEOWTH! USE PAYDAY!' while throwing it towards TARGET PLAYER. Unfortunately, a band of roaming hobo's spot meowth and you spend the day hiding from their harassment.
PLAYER whips out a POKEBALL and fiercely yells 'I CHOOSE YOU, PERSIAN! USE NASTY PLOT!' while throwing it towards TARGET PLAYER. Unfortunately, your disgusting lack of wealth causes persian to abandon you for a richer fatter and uglier oil magnate.
There will be 15 - 16 rounds, each round will consist of 10 pokemon. Each round will have 2 winners, meaning a total of 30-35 pokemon will then be chosen. Then staff will pick the top 25 and all others will be abandoned, or possibly another round of voting, except pokemon will be voted out.
Current Pokemon Votes
Round 1
Round 1 Winners
Round 2
Round 2 Winners
Round 3
Round 3 Winners
Round 4
Round 4 Winners
Round 5
Round 5 Winners
Full list of Pokemon
For the complete list so far goto List of pokemon