Profiles represent custom personalities or states of being that allow each player to assert his individuality by experiencing game effects (mainly the random checks) a little differently from the others. There can be RPS profiles and Mafia profiles; Profiles for showing off, profiles for winning, profiles for earning more points, profiles for killing others more efficiently...
Only registered players can own profiles - unregistered accounts always use the default profile "Common boring person".
[hide]Buying a profile
To buy a profile, use:
- !buy profile
to list the available profiles (only between games). Any profile you encounter that is not there is a special profile, assigned by an operator as a reward or punishment (for example, for winning a scheduled match event) and which therefore cannot be bought.
All the profiles have a purchase cost in Mafia Points (Mafia Points are acquired by playing games of Mafia or RPS; You make more points when you win than when you lose). Profiles can also have other costs associated with wearing them, taking them off, per-game costs or even daily costs! To learn more about a profile, use:
- !describe PROFILEID
When you find a profile you'd like to own, use:
- !buy profile PROFILEID
to acquire it. Keep in mind that the more profiles you buy, the more expensive the next profile will be.
Wearing and discarding profiles
You can list the profiles you own, as well as the total daily maintenance cost of your wardrobe, using:
- !wardrobe
To change your current profile, you should use, being careful with the wear/unwear costs (it only works when you're not playing in a game):
As long as you are wearing a profile, its effects should be experienced permanently, unless it's a role-specific profile, in which case all mafia in-game effects will only apply if you are playing with that specific role (though costs always apply). Also, certain game modes (currently only classic) may ignore profiles.
To get rid of a profile without being refunded use
- !discard PROFILEID
You can discard the Common boring person profile (!discard normal) to free up one of the three slots in your wardrobe (you can buy it again for 0 points in the future). Once you discard a profile, you'll no longer have to pay its costs.
Currently you can also sell a profile for 50% of its base cost. Use
The profile you are wearing is visible to all players. Be careful to choose a profile that is appropriate for the size and type of game you think you will be playing - the wrong profile could give you away! You can check another player's profile at any time using:
- !info NICKNAME
and whenever a player who isn't using the normal profile joins a game, his profile's name is revealed for everyone to see.
Also, do not wear profiles with a per-game cost which benefit roles that only appear in large games when you're going to be playing a small game, since you're only wasting points for no clear benefit.
You may want to try multiple profiles before you find out the ones that are better for you. Profiles may be added and removed from the game by the operators as time goes by, so check every few weeks to see if there are any new ones!
Important disclaimer
We reserve the right to modify or remove any profiles from the game at any time, for balancing or other purposes. We will never refund the points you spent in a profile if you lose it. Keep in mind that profiles are only an extra layer of fun and strategy for Mafia and their collection should not be taken too seriously.
Questions? Problem reports?
Talk to a member of the Mafia Profiles group: Protected, Lazygamer, Terran, Androcles or Yuubiseiharukana.
See: List of Profiles